No matter what you think of him, whether you hate him or love him, the name [Rabbi] Meir Kahane (ע) is a name that will forever be engrained in the history of the Jewish people. But just this past week, fifteen years after his murder, he was vindicated on the world stage via American national television.What he is refering to is a special on National Geographic, Inside 911.
The documentary starts with the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane and goes on to dedicate a portion of the first hour explaining how the rabbi was targeted by an Islamic terrorist.
What else is interesting is that the Kach political party in Israel, founded by R' Kahane "was eventually declared "terrorist" by the U.S. State Department." And now it appears that US TV is indicating that he was a victim and who the real terrorists are. I find this a relving change from the normal skew that the media is putting on terrorists.
I don't have a TV and I don't plan a purchasing one just so I can watch this (while It might be interesting TV is still a waste of time). So if you happen to have seen this please let me know how it is.
If they don't want this and for sure we don't want it , what is the point again ? Please remind me.
"Many of the sinners in this great sin of , 'They despised the cherished land,' and also many of the guardians of Torah, will not know or understand that they are caught in the sin of the Spies, that they have been sucked into the sin of the Spies in many false ideas and empty claims, and they cover their ideas with the already proven fallacy that the mitzvah of the settlement of [Eretz] Israel no longer applies in our day, an opinion which has already been disproven by the giants of the world, the Rishonim and the Achronim."--Vilna Gaon, Kol HaTor Ch.5:
When I first read this a few months ago, I saw the main Idea as the mitzvah to settle Eretz Yisrael applies in our time. While this if for sure true. I've just seen it in another light. What a shame it is for those who are in-favor of the PM's plan, He and they deserve our pity. They Yetzer Ha'rah (bad inclination) has blinded them and " they have been sucked into the sin of the Spies."
In addition to davening for our brothers who have been removed from their homes, we should daven for the ones imposing this plan that they will "understand that they are caught in the sin of the Spies, that they have been sucked into the sin of the Spies in many false ideas and empty claims." May the force of their tsuva will be able to reverse this decree!
You can her הרב מרדכי אליהו here
Rabbi Eliyahu: We Will Not Be Silent, Nor Rest
13:05 Aug 19, '05 / 14 Av 5765
By Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
Former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu expressed pride in the Jews of Gush Katif, reiterating his call for continued prayer.
Speaking on Arutz-7 Radio, the Rishon Letzion said that the people of Israel deserve to hear words of encouragement at this difficult time. Rabbi Eliyahu then quoted Psalms 94:14, saying, "For the Lord will not abandon his people, nor will He forsake His inheritance."
"We should be proud of the heroic Jews of Gush Katif," Rabbi Eliyahu said. "Had the rabbis issued instructions to resist, no one would have had the power to remove them from Gush Katif. But the rabbis said not to raise a hand, and that is why they are not resisting."
The well-known Kabbalist, and spiritual leader of many in the national-religious community, emphasized the need to avoid civil war. The residents, their supporters, as well as the police and soldiers who come to remove them, must not raise a hand against one another, he reiterated.
Addressing Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Rabbi Eliyahu said:
"You turned to the residents [of Gush Katif] with a request not to harm the police officers and soldiers who come to take them out, but rather, to harm you. I'd like to tell you: it is forbidden for Jews to harm you, as well. I suggest to you, resign your position and in that way you will do a favor for the people of Israel. Quit now."
Rabbi Eliyahu added:
"There are two negative things this government is doing. It is not only expelling the Jews there, it is turning their land over to enemies, as in 'Two evils my people have committed... hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns....' [Jeremiah 2:13]
"We will continue to pray; we will not be silent, nor will we rest. Moses was a loyal servant of the Holy One, blessed be He, yet God did not allow him to enter the Land of Israel. God told him, 'If you add another prayer, I will accede to you.' Why did the Holy One, blessed be He, not want Moses our teacher to enter the Land of Israel? Because if would have entered, the Temple would have been built by Heaven and would never have been destroyed. As soon as [God] removed His presence from the Temple that was built by human hands, [however,] He could unleash His wrath on trees and stones.
"Similarly, in the case of the residents of Gush Katif, God is unleashing His wrath on trees and rocks and not on the residents. We pray to the Holy One, blessed be He... that He declare our sufferings over and that we are worthy of the complete redemption."
בתשובה לשאלת כתב ערוץ 7 מה ניתן לעשות על מנת לסייע במאבק נגד הגירוש אמר בנו של הראשון לציון הרב מרדכי אליהו, הרב יוסי אליהו, בשם אביו כי על הציבור לעשות שלושה דברים:
The son of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, Rabbi Yossi Eliyahu, informed an Arutz-7 correspondent of the following directives from his father on Tuesday:
Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu (pictured above), a former Chief Sephardic Rabbi of the State of Israel, is a leading halachic (Jewish legal) and Kabbalistic scholar many of whose students and followers reside in the Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza (Yesha).
Previously, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu communicated via another son, Tzfat Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the following announcement:
"From the straits, I call to you, G-d. It is a difficult time for Jacob, and from it we will be saved. In order to annul the decree which is hovering over the Jewish People, one should make efforts to recite Tikun Hatzot and Pitum Hak'toret in groups. If it is difficult to recite with a group, then it should be recited alone. Through the strength of unity and prayer, we will be redeemed. The Lord should build the Building of Ariel [ed: The Temple], and gather our brothers, the House of Israel, to our Holy Land, and we will settle it in its complete borders as promised by G-d to our holy fathers, and He should expel the nations of the world from our Land, now, speedily, and soon. Amen.
The time for reciting Tikun Hatzot in Israel is from 12:44 AM.
They quoted R'Eliyahu as saying
"We stopped short of saying what we really think, that if he goes through with this, his name will be remembered forever in infamy; no one will ever want to call his child Sharon again."I'm not so sure why they "stopped short" maybe this is the kind of thing he needs to hear ? Or maybe he will just hear it as an Insult and go back to accusing the religious of "incitement."
"We don't have to get angry; anger doesn't help," Rabbi Eliyahu said. "What we should do instead is to continue the fight, and not give up. Whoever can, should go down towards Gush Katif - and others, such as women with children (and those stuck in chutz l'aretz), should pray. Prayer has great weight. G-d is great - much greater than this puny Sharon."We just finished our day of morning for the destruction of the Batie Mikdash. Hopefully we can keep this in mind, that the 2nd Beit Ha'Mikdash was destroyed because of fighting between our people. We need to continue to love our ignorant brothers. It is especially hard to do that now, as explained by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner . But we have to remember that they don't know, but we do. We know H' and we know he wants us to love or fellow jew. But they don't . And we know who is going to be held more accountable.
Loving them doesn't mean that we can just let them make this huge mistake, we must "continue the fight, and not give up. Whoever can, should go down towards Gush Katif - and others, such as women with children (and those stuck in chutz l'aretz), should pray. Prayer has great weight. G-d is great." And if our prayer is coupled with Tsuvah it will have an even greater weight.
( Rabbi Avraham Shapira, the dean of Jerusalem’s Mercaz HaRav Kook Yeshiva and a former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi has called on his student, IDF Chief Rabbi Brigadier-General Yisrael Weiss to resign from the IDF.
The rabbi’s letter to Rabbi Weiss came in response to an interview with the army’s top rabbis in the IDF weekly BaMahane magazine in which Rabbi Weiss is quoted as saying Rabbi Shapira is aware of his position vis-א-vis the disengagement but has not called upon him to resign his senior military position.
Rabbi Weiss has come out strongly against disobeying orders while his mentor, Rabbi Shapira, leads the rabbinical camp opposing the disengagement, calling on soldiers and officers alike to disobey disengagement orders.
An open letter is being sent to dozens of North American rabbis, reminding them that the Gush Katif/Shomron crisis is not just "politics," and that it leaves in its wake a host of critical problems.The problem is that I think that most of the 'Respected' rabbis in chutz l'aretz have already made up their mind to avoid the subject ( but what do I know )
You can show this to your rabbi, and I pray that it works, but also show this to your friends. Every jew need to know "We are all in trouble, and we need Teshuva, Tefillah, Tzedakah (repentance, prayer, charity)! " No matter how much orange you wear with out these 3 you are not helping! ( I'm afraid that wearing orange in Chutz L'Aretz might do more harm than good )
Non religious jews should keep this in-mind when they are planning a simcha ( celebration ). They might be alienating there religious family. They should also keep in mind the other benefits of doing things the proper way. Cutting corners can only lead to problems down the road.
Eden Natan Zada, a 19 year old Israeli soldier was murdered and lynched by a violent Arab mob in Shfaram after he allegedly opened fire on a bus, killing several Arab passengers. Police cuffed and arrested Eden, and later allowed the mob to lynch him. This was still not sufficient to calm the Arab marauders down. An Arab doctor was then permitted to come on the bus to make certain that Eden was in fact dead.Recently I wrote about the incident in Shfaram. I took a very strong stance about that it was not a jewish act. I want to make it clear that that in no way justifies what happened to him. We know that in Halacha that for some one to be given the death sentence there need to be 2 kosher witnesses and he needs to be warned!This too was not enough as the crowd danced and stormed the bus. The police allowed this wild mob to control the area and the bus for several hours, until they stepped in to remove the Jewish body from the bus. The police moved in only after Jewish civilians threatened to extricate the body and to storm into Shefaram. Five minutes after the Jewish threat was given, the cops sent in specially trained riot police to restore some peace and order to the area around the bus.
Yekutiel Ben Yaakov
In the past there have been many cases where Arab terrorists murdererd Jews and were protected from angry Jewish bystanders. How many time shave we heard the brave policeman speak of a fair trial, law and order and all of the other fine words to justify their protection of the Arab terrorists, often at great personal risk to themselves.This was a tragedy because 4 people were killed, and then a 5th killed by a mob!
I recently heard a shiur on breslev, and the basic idea was that we all love to kvetch but we waste it on people who don't really care. We need to direct our kvetching to H' ( yitbarach). He is the one who wants to hear our complaints, but we find it so hard to talk to him! We'd much rather spew our problems to people who don't care ( I've been told that when giving musar to have in mind like your talking to your self .)
We don't need this. We need solutions. We need to be encouraged to do Tsuvah, to give Tzdakah, and to Ask The Ribono Shel Olam for help. We should reach out to our brothers who are in despair and provide support. This is directed to us who are so unfortunate to be in Chutz L'Aretz.
The solution for us is not so much wearing orange or protesting. It is about us reconnecting to the clal . And not just our brothers who hold the same views as us but, but to my brother who ( h' should help hip ) has been given the command to carry out this thing. It bears repeating, Tsuvah, Tzdakah, and Tfilah, that is what we can do in Chutz L'Aretz. And that is only for those of us who are stuck here.
And addressing this invisible man analogy, first thing, It won't happen. Second thing, Go! (and don't come back)
When I first heard about this my first thought was how could this be a jew!? Because we know that: "כל מי שיש בו שלש מדות הללו- בידוע שהוא מזרעו של אברהם אבינו: רחמן, ובישן, וגומל חסדים" "Who ever has these 3 traits , we know that he is a jew, compassion, shyness, and kindness."
What is even worse is that some are trying to say that he is a representation of all those who oppose disengagement. There are those who are "naming him “a settler” even though he was not a resident of any settlement."
"At this time, as thousands of Israelis express their position and our right to the Land of Israel, we are obligated to be involved in 'face-to-face' activities, to draw close, with love, our brethren, our flesh and blood, the soldiers and the policemen of Israel, to explain to them in a pleasant manner and, with love, our firm position that the expulsion of Jews from their land and homes in the Land of Israel is forbidden according to the Torah, is opposed to morality and humane behavior, and is something which has never been in Israel. And the Lord's blessing will rest on anyone who does not take part and does not assist in the exiling of Jews from their homes. And words that come from the heart will enter the heart."-- הרב אברהם שפירא שליט"א
It is in hebrew available with or without subtitles.
From the cover of the DVD:
The whole truth about the 'Disengagement" Plan and Israel's security.חשיפה!
כל האמת על תכנית "ההתנתקות" והביטחון שלך
just make a little change
Isn't it nice to know what .edu means these days.
Thanks to a Israel Friendly website we can now more quickly spot Israeli products and support their economy.
This was sent to me by a friend. Torah on the East Coast...
I believe a non-Jewish comedian posed a similar
question: "Who really wants to have a harp and wings and fly from cloud to cloud?" Is that all we're looking forward to? For that matter, Islam compares to us even more pathetically. It so cheapens the concept of a hereafter as to imagine it as a large harem (of 70 or so virgins -- I'm not sure what they promise women ;-). (This, by the way, might explain how they convince teenagers to blow themselves up for the holy
cause.) Pardon my saying it, but it reflects such a shallow understanding of the immortality of the soul to see eternity through the eyes of physical lust. As a marketing tool (if you're trying to sell a man-made religion to others) it may prove effective. But as the word of G-d, it is a sad commentary indeed on the human corruption of truth.
Please be aware that most of the time I have no idea what I'm talking about, so please follow the links and read the original articles.
*"Extremism is the perfection of the topic. One who waves the banner of moderation and hates extremism, is in the same camp as liars or imbeciles..."
The Chazon Ish