They quoted R'Eliyahu as saying
"We stopped short of saying what we really think, that if he goes through with this, his name will be remembered forever in infamy; no one will ever want to call his child Sharon again."I'm not so sure why they "stopped short" maybe this is the kind of thing he needs to hear ? Or maybe he will just hear it as an Insult and go back to accusing the religious of "incitement."
"We don't have to get angry; anger doesn't help," Rabbi Eliyahu said. "What we should do instead is to continue the fight, and not give up. Whoever can, should go down towards Gush Katif - and others, such as women with children (and those stuck in chutz l'aretz), should pray. Prayer has great weight. G-d is great - much greater than this puny Sharon."We just finished our day of morning for the destruction of the Batie Mikdash. Hopefully we can keep this in mind, that the 2nd Beit Ha'Mikdash was destroyed because of fighting between our people. We need to continue to love our ignorant brothers. It is especially hard to do that now, as explained by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner . But we have to remember that they don't know, but we do. We know H' and we know he wants us to love or fellow jew. But they don't . And we know who is going to be held more accountable.
Loving them doesn't mean that we can just let them make this huge mistake, we must "continue the fight, and not give up. Whoever can, should go down towards Gush Katif - and others, such as women with children (and those stuck in chutz l'aretz), should pray. Prayer has great weight. G-d is great." And if our prayer is coupled with Tsuvah it will have an even greater weight.
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Please be aware that most of the time I have no idea what I'm talking about, so please follow the links and read the original articles.
*"Extremism is the perfection of the topic. One who waves the banner of moderation and hates extremism, is in the same camp as liars or imbeciles..."
The Chazon Ish