
יום שני, אוגוסט 08, 2005
  Siege on Gush Katif
No matter what your opinion on the current situation in Eretz Yisrael, jews are suffering and we have a responsibility to  help them.

The following is a message from a Rabbi who I feel very close to.

Dear Friends,
I know that everyone is busy and everyone cares. I know this person personally and know you want to read this now. All the best!
Did you know that Gush Katif is being placed under siege? Starting now, the army is stopping food from entering Gush Katif. There is already a shortage of baby-food, diapers, food & basic staples. The army isn't letting things enter and the supermarket shelves are emptying. We have been warned that any minute the supply of Gas and Water may stop.There will be opportunities during the next three days to bring in supplies. We need your help NOW.
We have been promised by our brethren that in our time of need they will stand by us. The Jews in Israel are fulfilling "Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Lazeh" in the highest sense by uniting behind the residence of Gush Katif. Many have left there homes and work to help in Gush Katif. Join. Please be a part of the unification of our people in Gush Katif. Any donation is appreciated. (ALthough we need food for Thousands of people, even $5 can buy a lot of bread) Just click on the link https://www.group.co.il/donation/katifund/CreditInput.asp?lang=2
Your caring gives us strength.
Anita T.

Important: Please write in the "Notes Section" at the bottom of the donation-form the word NOW so that your donation will be processed immediately for these emergency supplies.
Anita Tucker is from Brooklyn and her Husband is from Cleveland. They have been living in Gush Katif for 29 Years. She has Children and Grandchildren that were born there, and prays every day to see Great-grandchildren born there. She is a farmer who grows insect-free produce and her children who live in Gush Katif are farmers as well.

Comments: הוסף רשומת תגובה

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*"Extremism is the perfection of the topic. One who waves the banner of moderation and hates extremism, is in the same camp as liars or imbeciles..."
The Chazon Ish

התמונה שלי
מיקום: Israel
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