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Rabbi Eliyahu: We Will Not Be Silent, Nor Rest
13:05 Aug 19, '05 / 14 Av 5765
By Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
Former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu expressed pride in the Jews of Gush Katif, reiterating his call for continued prayer.
Speaking on Arutz-7 Radio, the Rishon Letzion said that the people of Israel deserve to hear words of encouragement at this difficult time. Rabbi Eliyahu then quoted Psalms 94:14, saying, "For the Lord will not abandon his people, nor will He forsake His inheritance."
"We should be proud of the heroic Jews of Gush Katif," Rabbi Eliyahu said. "Had the rabbis issued instructions to resist, no one would have had the power to remove them from Gush Katif. But the rabbis said not to raise a hand, and that is why they are not resisting."
The well-known Kabbalist, and spiritual leader of many in the national-religious community, emphasized the need to avoid civil war. The residents, their supporters, as well as the police and soldiers who come to remove them, must not raise a hand against one another, he reiterated.
Addressing Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Rabbi Eliyahu said:
"You turned to the residents [of Gush Katif] with a request not to harm the police officers and soldiers who come to take them out, but rather, to harm you. I'd like to tell you: it is forbidden for Jews to harm you, as well. I suggest to you, resign your position and in that way you will do a favor for the people of Israel. Quit now."
Rabbi Eliyahu added:
"There are two negative things this government is doing. It is not only expelling the Jews there, it is turning their land over to enemies, as in 'Two evils my people have committed... hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns....' [Jeremiah 2:13]
"We will continue to pray; we will not be silent, nor will we rest. Moses was a loyal servant of the Holy One, blessed be He, yet God did not allow him to enter the Land of Israel. God told him, 'If you add another prayer, I will accede to you.' Why did the Holy One, blessed be He, not want Moses our teacher to enter the Land of Israel? Because if would have entered, the Temple would have been built by Heaven and would never have been destroyed. As soon as [God] removed His presence from the Temple that was built by human hands, [however,] He could unleash His wrath on trees and stones.
"Similarly, in the case of the residents of Gush Katif, God is unleashing His wrath on trees and rocks and not on the residents. We pray to the Holy One, blessed be He... that He declare our sufferings over and that we are worthy of the complete redemption."
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*"Extremism is the perfection of the topic. One who waves the banner of moderation and hates extremism, is in the same camp as liars or imbeciles..."
The Chazon Ish