
יום שישי, אוגוסט 05, 2005
  That doesn't mean they were right.
Eden Natan Zada, a 19 year old Israeli soldier was murdered and lynched by a violent Arab mob in Shfaram after he allegedly opened fire on a bus, killing several Arab passengers. Police cuffed and arrested Eden, and later allowed the mob to lynch him. This was still not sufficient to calm the Arab marauders down. An Arab doctor was then permitted to come on the bus to make certain that Eden was in fact dead.

This too was not enough as the crowd danced and stormed the bus. The police allowed this wild mob to control the area and the bus for several hours, until they stepped in to remove the Jewish body from the bus. The police moved in only after Jewish civilians threatened to extricate the body and to storm into Shefaram. Five minutes after the Jewish threat was given, the cops sent in specially trained riot police to restore some peace and order to the area around the bus.

Yekutiel Ben Yaakov

Recently I wrote about the incident in Shfaram. I took a very strong stance about that it was not a jewish act. I want to make it clear that that in no way justifies what happened to him. We know that in Halacha that for some one to be given the death sentence there need to be 2 kosher witnesses and he needs to be warned!

In the past there have been many cases where Arab terrorists murdererd Jews and were protected from angry Jewish bystanders. How many time shave we heard the brave policeman speak of a fair trial, law and order and all of the other fine words to justify their protection of the Arab terrorists, often at great personal risk to themselves.


This was a tragedy because 4 people were killed, and then a 5th killed by a mob!
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