
יום שני, אוגוסט 01, 2005
  Islam and the afterlife...

This was sent to me by a friend. Torah on the East Coast...

I believe a non-Jewish comedian posed a similar question: "Who really wants to have a harp and wings and fly from cloud to cloud?" Is that all we're looking forward to? For that matter, Islam compares to us even more pathetically. It so cheapens the concept of a hereafter as to imagine it as a large harem (of 70 or so virgins -- I'm not sure what they promise women ;-). (This, by the way, might explain how they convince teenagers to blow themselves up for the holy cause.) Pardon my saying it, but it reflects such a shallow understanding of the immortality of the soul to see eternity through the eyes of physical lust. As a marketing tool (if you're trying to sell a man-made religion to others) it may prove effective. But as the word of G-d, it is a sad commentary indeed on the human corruption of truth.

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