
יום שני, אוגוסט 21, 2006
  Be Open Minded and Respect My beliefs.
Shalom U'Bracha...

It has been a while but it's not like any one reads this any way....

For quite some time I have been coming to a realization about the phases "be open minded" and " respect my beliefs ( or opinion)." You might think that people who use such phrases will be examples of open-mindedness and respectful behavior, but in reality you will see that is not the case, just the opposite. Don't mistake what I'm saying, they are genuine in their requests for open-mindedness and respect. The whole thing can be a bit misleading. 

When some one asks you to be open minded, they honestly want you to be open minded:
 Release your mind from the shackles of logic, reason, and understanding, so that it might be infiltrated by my unfounded opinion. You see my opinion can't stand up to the tests  of a mind that isn't open and willing to accept any thing that comes at it. Your ideas are tied down and fastened by fundamentals, and principles , open your mind and let go of those ancient, time tested and proven ideas. You see I'm offering you something that hasn't really been tested yet, and if you don't open your mind you'll never accept what I'm selling.

You will find that most people who make this request are the most closed minded people you have met, only their mind isn't closed up in the binds of logic, reason, and understanding. They are tied up with the ropes of desire, laziness, hate and things comparable. You see to be able to satisfy their desires they need some sort of opinion that will give them permission for the immoral, such an opinion most defiantly will not withstand an open mind, logic would come in  and crush these opinions.  You can see how people would need such opinions to also support their laziness and hate. 

When arguing with those who request you to open your mind they will often argue their point without an argument. They will talk, make shallow points, and repeat them over and over changing the semantics ever so slightly as to not indicate their true plan. If your mind is open it will soon be filled with their watered down arguments and any remnants of a solid and founded idea will be washed away. These people can be tricky because sometimes they have the gift of flowery speech that can beautify the most ugly ideas, but anyone who hasn't yet abandoned his intellect will , upon inspection , be able to recognize that there is no substance in such arguments.

Very often when some one asks you to "respect my beliefs" he in-fact means "open your mind"  this can clearly be seen from their arguments and opinions. Many times "respect my beliefs" is the true intention of the words. Don't be mislead, it does not mean that your beliefs will be respected in return, just the opposite.
Respect my beliefs because I don't respect yours. I have no intention to listen to your arguments because my opinion is the only one deserving of respect. Don't bother me with your logic and reason, I don't have the time and I will not bring my beliefs down to a level to meet with yours.

These people generally don't have the mental capacity to stick to their beliefs if they were brought down from their falsely elevated state to the realm of reasonable thinking. Like those requesting open-mindedness the respect seeker needs some way to protect his ideas, and often the respect seeker also intends to destroy your opinions while protecting his, only he uses an elevated position rather than a closed mind. 

There is though possibly a more innocent side to the respect seeker, many times they recognize their lack of mental capabilities, and recognize that they haven't yet understood the ideas close to them, and it would be unfair to expose these ideas to attack when they are unprotected and do not yet have a solid base. If this is his intent then he is praiseworthy, and you will find that he is deeply involved in the learning and pursuit of understanding of his own beliefs. 


יום רביעי, אפריל 26, 2006
  Chafetz Chaim VS Newsweek
I saw the following in the "Daily Halacha" from Yeshivat Beit El by R' David Samson.

In general, when it comes to secular magazines and newspapers, it is best to follow the always wise words of the Chafetz Chaim, who writes: 

“Due to our great sins, the evil inclination, who is the Satan, has instigated mankind to pursue after a new demise - to cause our brethren, the Children of Israel, to sin the sin of leitzanut (cynicism) and thus cause the removal of Divine Providence from the world via the reading of newspapers, which has increased so greatly in our times. These publications are filled with cynicism, evil speech, libel, scorn, untruth, and the outright mockery of G-d…Everyone will have to pay for this sin in the end, when they come before the King of Kings - those who print newspapers, those who sell them, and those who read them. This habit has become so ubiquitous that many Jews are so addicted to it, they cannot pass one day without reading a newspaper and wasting away many hours. 

“And I have heard something even more scandalous - that the Sabbath day and Holidays which were given to us at Sinai to be sanctified, have sunk to the very opposite through the work of the Satan, through the publication on Erev Shabbat of twice the number of newspapers, whose editors outdo themselves by filling the pages with all sorts of cynicism, mockery, evil talk, and lewdness. And many of our brethren spend the entire Sabbath day reading these matters!!!”[9] 

9. Shmirat HaLashon, Letters of the Chafetz Chaim, 42.


יום ראשון, אפריל 02, 2006
  Re: Observing Passover
The following is a message that I received about a non-jew who was interested in "observing" pesach this year, and my response. I'd like to point out 2 things:
 First is that it seems rather odd that a non-jew would want to celebrate pesach,  It is like a south african celebrating Cinco DeMayo. 
The second is that I'm not any type of authority on the responsibilities of non-jews in the world, I'm only a simple jew sharing some of the little knowledge that I have gleaned. Do not take any of what you are about to read too seriously without first checking up on its accuracy  from a more reliable source.


This may seem an odd question, and it probably is, but I've been exploring my religious horizons recently, and with Passover coming soon, I was hoping to understand it more and how it is observed. I thought I could talk to someone I knew more personally about it first before maybe talking to someone more formally. But I know this is a fairly personal topic and I don't know what are the regulations in regards to discussing or participating in the observation, so I understand if it's unfeasible. But if you have any ideas of something I can read or talk to instead or beforehand I'd appreciate that as well.

Take care,

-John Q Non-Jew


We have the tradition that g-d, our creator (yours and mine) made the jewish people along with many other nations (peoples) , each nation has its own unique purpose. To us jews he gave special instructions to live our lives, in a way that will fit our spiritual needs best. Following the path he created for us will lead to growth and elevation on all realms, the spiritual , as will as the the world that we can experience with our physical senses. But if we follow the path set for one of the other nations it will cause us harm. We have the tradition ( for over 3k years) that if some one from one of the other nations tries to follow the path designated for the jewish people then he will more than likely cause him self more harm than good.

Let me give an example. One day a week jews rest from all creative activity, because we have specific instructions from The creator to do so, and for us it is a great thing "in his eyes*" . But if a non-jew does no creative work for a whole day , what has he done ? Wasted a whole day. He had no instructions to do so. Maybe that was the day he was supposed to discover the cure for cancer, or foil a terrorist plot, or meet his wife. Even though he had the best intentions, to become closer to his creator he has in-fact done harm to him self , as well as possibly the whole world.

I'm sure you can easily understand this. 

It is for example I'm sure you understand that some people are more fitted for certain jobs. If a world renowned brain surgeon, with the best intentions, tried to design a nuclear power-plant to provide power to a poor third world country, the results would be disastrous. And of course the same thing would apply in reverse, I wouldn't want a nuclear engineer performing brain surgery on me. Obviously they would cause damage, but we might ignore is that the time that they spent causing damage could have been used to cause benefit .  Spirituality is much the same, we all have "spiritual aptitude"  or "spiritual talents" for different tasks. 

With that said when some one without jewish "spiritual talents" tries to do to the tasks designated for jews, he is  not doing him self or the world any kindness.  ( the same thing  of course applies when a jew tries to do a task that requires the "spiritual-talents" of a different nation. )

One, out of the many tasks that requires specifically jewish "spiritual talents" is keeping passover.  While I can understand why some one who is "exploring his religious horizons" would be interested in exploring one of the foundations of the jewish faith, you should know that it will do you more harm than good. 

So if you can't practice the jewish religion then what should you do? We also have from tradition certain things that The creator expects from the other nations as well, the 7 laws for the children of Noach

One of the great jewish sages teaches : (note that this is a translation from the original language, and as with translations much of the meaning was lost)
Whoever accepts the seven commandments and is careful to do them, behold he is from the righteous of the nations of the world, and he has a portion in the world to come. And that is if he accepts them and does them because the Holy One Blessed be He commanded them and informed us about them through Moshe our teacher, that the children of Noah were commanded to obey them. But if he did them because of his own philosophical conclusions, he is not a "Righteous Gentile" and is not from the righteous of the nations nor from their wise ones

So what are these 7 laws ?
  1. Recognize and worship only The creator of the world.
  2. Do not murder.
  3. Respect the family, by not committing "sexual immorality"
  4. No stealing, even of an inconsequential amount
  5. Do not eat the limb of an animal while it is still alive
  6. Respect the name of The creator of the world.
  7. Set up courts to enforce the above.
This is, of course an over simplification of each of the laws, there are many details to exactly what each one means, and how exactly to "guard" each law. If you (hopefully) have interest let me know and I'll find you more information, or direct you to some one else who can help.

One last word of caution. There are many groups out there today who claim to be teaching Judaism or kabalah.  Any one who teaches non-jews about these things is either an ignoramus or a fraud.  Most of these organizations are out there to just collect your money. Any "synagogue" that encourages the participation of non-jews, should be stayed away from because it is not a holy place.


*The creator does not have any physical attributes, we only use them as a metaphor.


יום שלישי, פברואר 28, 2006
  משנכנס אדר מרבים בשימחה

The Measure Of Happiness

"When Adar comes in we increase in Simcha"

What is happiness? We are all familiar with it. But what is it? What is its essence?

Everyone knows what it's like to be happy. But what does happiness teach us about reality?

In the Talmud, there is a measurement known as a tefach sameach. A tefach is about ten centimeters. Sameach means happy. How can a measurement be happy? A laughing slide-rule? A smiling tape-measure? A tefach sameach is a large tefach. It's still a tefach - but it's a little more. Why did the Rabbis of the Talmud choose the term "happy" to describe a measurement which was slightly on the large side? Couldn't they have called it a "maxi" tefach or a "generous" tefach? Why a "happy" tefach?

The Last Horizon

The tefach sameach is still a tefach but it connects, it extends to that which is beyond itself. It becomes more. This is the essence of all simcha. To perceive the self becoming more. Extending one's boundaries and visions. Growing.

The tefach is the same. It stays within its boundaries but it reaches out, connecting to that which is beyond itself. That's the essence of happiness. Staying within the definition of who we are, but reaching out. Expanding our horizons without abandoning our borders.

A Measure Of Sadness

When we see ourselves confined within ourselves, defined solely by our physical parameters, that we are who we are and no more - that's the essence of sadness. When our definition of ourselves ends with our fingertips that is sadness in its essence. But when we perceive ourselves as being connected, reaching to that which is beyond ourselves, that point of connecting who we are to what is beyond is the epitome of happiness. The feeling that we can touch the most distant echo of the Ein Sof - The Endless - is the essence of happiness. Happiness itself.

When we broaden our existence - by getting married, by having children - we feel happy. For these are ways that we go beyond ourselves while still staying who we are.

from http://ohr.edu/yhiy/article.php/1511

Something important that is missing here, but is obvious to us is the ultimate way to expand beyond our physical constraints is to recognize our connection to the clal. If we look at our own personal achievements then it is easy to get depressed because by our nature we are limited, but when we see our unlimited growth possible through our connection to Am Yisrael, and the goal we are working toward how can we not be happy?!

Imagine that you are part of a team of scientists who discover a cure for cancer , how proud, accomplished and happy must you feel! Now you couldn't have done this on your own, for what ever reason, lack of funding, knowledge, skills , etc.. and by your self you were extreemly limited in what you could do. But through your connection to a group you expanded you abilities and your happiness.

How much more so if you are part of the biggest project there is !?  To know that YOU helped to make the great kiddush H' , the kiddush H' by Am Yisrael. Once you connect to this , your happiness will be unlimited.

We should merit to the simcha of seeing the kiddush H'  , the gathering of exiles, and Beit HaMikdash, quickly in our days .


יום שבת, פברואר 11, 2006
Protest the PLO in Washington DC Georgetown accepted $20 million dollars from a sheik who funds millions to Hamas to create a “Muslim-Christian” understanding center while Saudi Arabia imprisons people who wear a cross or even own a Bible. Israel was Jewish for 4000 years and Modern Israel is the“Jewish Homeland” and Jerusalem our eternal capitol. Without a Jewish majority, Israel as a Jewish Homeland ceases to exist and there will be another Muslim fascist state. This will not happen unless …you fall for the propaganda that will be promulgated at this event. JOIN US!

יום רביעי, ינואר 25, 2006

(Jan. 23) Steven Spielberg's controversial film 'Munich', about to be viewed in Israel, is sparking a firestorm. Former officials of Mossad, Israel's secret service, have lambasted the movie from start to finish. Former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit accuses Spielberg of basing the film on a bogus book that bears no resemblance to what actually happened. 'Yonatan', a former Mossad agent, who actually took part in the operation to execute all the Palestinian terrorists involved in the murder of the eleven Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, said there is nothing authentic in the film. That included the portrayal of 'Avner' the main character.



יום שני, ינואר 23, 2006
  Dear World

Dear World,

It appears that you are hard to please. I understand that you are upset over us, here in Israel. Indeed, it appears that you are quite upset, even angry and outraged! Indeed, every few years you seem to become upset over us. Today, it is the brutal repression of the Palestinians; yesterday, it was Lebanon; before that it was the bombing of the nuclear reactor in Baghdad and the Yom Kippur War campaign. It appears that Jews who triumph and who, therefore, live, upset you most extraordinarily. Of course, dear world, long before there was an Israel, we, the Jewish people - upset you. We upset a German people who elected a Hitler and we upset an Austrian people who cheered his entry into Vienna and we upset a whole slew of Slavic nations - Poles, Slovaks, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Russians, Hungarians, Romanians. And we go back a long, long way in the history of world upset. We upset the Cossacks of Chmielnicki who massacred tens of thousands of us in 1648-49; we upset the Crusaders who, on their way to liberate the Holy Land, were so upset at Jews that they slaughtered untold numbers of us. We upset, for centuries, a Roman Catholic Church that did its best to define our relationship through Inquisitions. And we upset the arch-enemy of the Church, Martin Luther, who, in his call to burn the synagogues and the Jews within them, showed an admirable Christian ecumenical spirit. It is because we became so upset over upsetting you, dear world, that we decided to leave you - in a manner of speaking - and establish a Jewish State. The reasoning was that living in close contact with you, as resident-strangers in the various countries that comprise you, we upset you, irritate you, disturb you. What better notion, then, than to leave you and thus love you - and have you love us? And so we decided to come home - to the same homeland from which we were driven out 1,900 years earlier by a Roman world that, apparently, we also upset. Alas, dear world, it appears that you are hard to please. Having left you and your Pogroms and Inquisitions and Crusades and Holocausts, having taken our leave of the general world to live alone in our own little state - we continue to upset you. You are upset that we repress the poor Palestinians. You are deeply angered over the fact that we do not give up the lands of 1967, which are clearly the obstacle to peace in the Middle East. Moscow is upset and Washington is upset. The Arabs are upset and the gentle Egyptian moderates are upset. Well, dear world, consider the reaction of a normal Jew from Israel. In 1920, 1921 and 1929, there were no territories of 1967 to impede peace between Jews and Arabs. Indeed, there was no Jewish State to upset anybody. Nevertheless, the same oppressed and repressed Palestinians slaughtered hundreds of Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Safed and Hebron. Indeed, 67 Jews were slaughtered one day in Hebron - in 1929. Dear World, why did the Arabs - the Palestinians - massacre 67 Jews in one day in 1929? Could it have been their anger over Israeli aggression in 1967? And why were 510 Jewish men, women and children slaughtered in Arab riots in 1936-39? Was it because of Arab upset over 1967? And when you, World, proposed a U.N. Partition Plan in 1947 that would have created a Palestinian State alongside a tiny Israel and the Arabs cried and went to war and killed 6,000 Jews - was that upset stomach caused by the aggression of 1967? And, by the way, dear world, why did we not hear your cry of upset then? The poor Palestinians who today kill Jews with explosives and firebombs and stones are part of the same people who - when they had all the territories they now demand be given them for their state - attempted to drive the Jewish State into the sea. The same twisted faces, the same hate, the same cry of "idbah-al-yahud" - "Slaughter the Jews!" that we hear and see today, were seen and heard then. The same people, the same dream - destroy Israel. What they failed to do yesterday, they dream of today - but we should not "repress" them. Dear World, you stood by the Holocaust and you stood by in 1948 as seven states launched a war that the Arab League proudly compared to the Mongol massacres. You stood by in 1967 as Nasser, wildly cheered by wild mobs in every Arab capital in the world, vowed to drive the Jews into the sea. And you would stand by tomorrow if Israel were facing extinction. And since we know that the Arabs-Palestinians daily dream of that extinction, we will do everything possible to remain alive in our own land. If that bothers you, dear world, well - think of how many times in the past you bothered us. In any event, dear world, if you are bothered by us, here is one Jew in Israel who could not care less.

Rabbi Meir Kahane, Zt"l (November, 1988)

(No less true today than it was 17 years ago - Moshe@Maccabee.Org)


יום שבת, ינואר 21, 2006
  Apple Script is Shomer Shabbat !!
So I was looking to the documentation for apple script and I fond a sample code that is very interesting.

set theDate to current date
if (weekday of theDate) = Saturday then
    display dialog "I shouldn't be working today!"
end if

it appears that apple is encouraging its developers to be shomer shabbat.  

יום חמישי, ינואר 19, 2006
  Do you want to study Judaism and Hebrew in Israel in a truly Zionist environment?
Please Pass this on to any one who might be interested.

Are you between the ages of 18-30?

Do you want to study Judaism and Hebrew in Israel in a truly Zionist environment?

Now is the time! Complete scholarships are available!

A representative of the Machon Meir English Department will be in the LA area between January 24th – 26th. 
If you are interested in learning more about study opportunities at Machon Meir or to find out if you qualify for a scholarship, please contact us today at MachonMeir@hotmail.com



יום חמישי, ינואר 05, 2006
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Please be aware that most of the time I have no idea what I'm talking about, so please follow the links and read the original articles.

*"Extremism is the perfection of the topic. One who waves the banner of moderation and hates extremism, is in the same camp as liars or imbeciles..."
The Chazon Ish

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מיקום: Israel
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