Sources for Women not doing Malacha
I just recently found out that many people have never heard of the Minhag (custom) for women not to do work while the Hanukah Lights are burning...
קצור שלחן ערוך: The Abriviated Shulchan Aruch Ch 139
חנוכה-מתר בעשית מלאבה. אך הנשים נוהגות, שלא לעשות מלאכה כל זמן שהנרות שבבית דולקות, ואין
להקל להם.
On Chanukah it is permitted to do Malacha (work), Although the minhag for women is to not do Malacha the whole time the lights in the house are burning. They should not be lenient in this.
שלחן ערוך: תר'ע סעיף א'
Shulchan Aruch Ch: 670 Law 1
...ונוהגות הנשים שלא לעשות מלאכה בעוד שהנרות דולקות
And the custom is women do not do Malacha while the lights [of Hanukah ] are lit...
משמה ברורה אומר
The Mishna Berurah Says.
דוקא נשים לפי שנעשה נס על ידיהם,... ויש מקומות שגם האנשים מחמירים בזה.
Specifically the women because the miracle was done by their hands ... And there are places where also the men are stringent in this.
The Chafatz Chaim Refers to סעיף ב' Where the RAM'A explains:
שהאכילה יהודית את האויב....
That Yhudit fed the enemy [ and killed him while he was sleeping]
This is also brought down by the Magen Avraham and the Gra.... And I'm sure many others...
(It should be obvious that this only applies to Jewish Women )