
יום שני, דצמבר 26, 2005
  The air out side of Israel is has a major problem with Pollution.
Thats what you think! The yetzer Ha'ra is an "Old Fooler."

What I'm talking about in cleansing is al pi Kabala ... not the simple level.

"There is a famous story concerning the Gaon of Vilna which is related by his student, Rabbbi Chaim of Volozhin. Magidim, or heavenly ,messengers, would regularly visit the Gaon, but he repeatedly refused to listen to them. He would not even glance at their heavenly form. When one of these messengers came to reveal Torah secrets to Rabbi Chaim's brother, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman, the Vilna Gaon commanded that the Torah scholar not to receive it, or even glance at its celestial radiance. Rabbi Zalman asked why not - after all, the Beit Yosef, Rabbi Yosef Caro, author of the Shulchan Aruch , had a Magid who informed him of secrets from heaven. The Goan of Vilna answered that, first of all the Beit Yosef had lived several hundred years before, and secondly he was in Eretz Yisrael. The Gaon told him that outside of the Land of Israel, it is impossible to receive heavenly messengers without the pollueded interfernce and Kilpot of Chutz L'Aretz. Heavenly information can only be properly recieved in its purity in Eretz Yisrael. This is why when a Magid first appeared to Rabbi Yosef Caro in Chutz L'Aretz, he told him to go to Eretz Yisrael." 
--Lights on Orot 

MRan Ha'Rav Kook Writes:
אי אפשר לאדם מישראל שיהיה מסור ונאמן למחשבותיו, הגיונותיו, רעיונותיו ודמיונותיו, בחו'ל, כתכונת הנאמנות הזאת בא'י.
It is impossible for a person from Yisrael to be devoted and faithful to his thoughts, reasoning, conceptualizations and imaginations, outside of the Land [of israel], when compared to their faithfulness in the land.

From this it should be obvious that what ever thoughts a person has in Chul could be so much Clearer in E'Y.  It doesn't mean that no good thoughts happen in chul but any thought is contaminated.  The clarity of your thoughts in Chul is depended on how strong is your connection to E'Y.  The more your connected and yearn for E'Y and redemption the clearer your thoughts will be even in Chul. "Accourding to the magnitude of an individual's yearing for and connection to E'Y, his thoughts become clear, due to the foundation of "the air of Eretz Yisrael" which hovers over everyone who desires to see her." And the Gemara teaches us that "the air of Eretz Yisrael causes wisdom" ( look it up Bava Batra 158B.)

So go home and get your brain cleaned!

Comments: הוסף רשומת תגובה

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The Chazon Ish

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