
יום שני, אוגוסט 08, 2005
  Rabbi Shapira Calls on IDF Chief Rabbi to Resign
09:10 Aug 08, '05 / 3 Av 5765

(IsraelNN.com) Rabbi Avraham Shapira, the dean of Jerusalem’s Mercaz HaRav Kook Yeshiva and a former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi has called on his student, IDF Chief Rabbi Brigadier-General Yisrael Weiss to resign from the IDF.

The rabbi’s letter to Rabbi Weiss came in response to an interview with the army’s top rabbis in the IDF weekly BaMahane magazine in which Rabbi Weiss is quoted as saying Rabbi Shapira is aware of his position vis-א-vis the disengagement but has not called upon him to resign his senior military position.

Rabbi Weiss has come out strongly against disobeying orders while his mentor, Rabbi Shapira, leads the rabbinical camp opposing the disengagement, calling on soldiers and officers alike to disobey disengagement orders.

Not sure why it is
vis-א-vis ?
he means regarding, but yeah why do they need the aleph?
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