In general, when it comes to secular magazines and newspapers, it is best to follow the always wise words of the Chafetz Chaim, who writes:“Due to our great sins, the evil inclination, who is the Satan, has instigated mankind to pursue after a new demise - to cause our brethren, the Children of Israel, to sin the sin of leitzanut (cynicism) and thus cause the removal of Divine Providence from the world via the reading of newspapers, which has increased so greatly in our times. These publications are filled with cynicism, evil speech, libel, scorn, untruth, and the outright mockery of G-d…Everyone will have to pay for this sin in the end, when they come before the King of Kings - those who print newspapers, those who sell them, and those who read them. This habit has become so ubiquitous that many Jews are so addicted to it, they cannot pass one day without reading a newspaper and wasting away many hours.“And I have heard something even more scandalous - that the Sabbath day and Holidays which were given to us at Sinai to be sanctified, have sunk to the very opposite through the work of the Satan, through the publication on Erev Shabbat of twice the number of newspapers, whose editors outdo themselves by filling the pages with all sorts of cynicism, mockery, evil talk, and lewdness. And many of our brethren spend the entire Sabbath day reading these matters!!!”[9]9. Shmirat HaLashon, Letters of the Chafetz Chaim, 42.
HiThis may seem an odd question, and it probably is, but I've been exploring my religious horizons recently, and with Passover coming soon, I was hoping to understand it more and how it is observed. I thought I could talk to someone I knew more personally about it first before maybe talking to someone more formally. But I know this is a fairly personal topic and I don't know what are the regulations in regards to discussing or participating in the observation, so I understand if it's unfeasible. But if you have any ideas of something I can read or talk to instead or beforehand I'd appreciate that as well.Take care,-John Q Non-Jew
Whoever accepts the seven commandments and is careful to do them, behold he is from the righteous of the nations of the world, and he has a portion in the world to come. And that is if he accepts them and does them because the Holy One Blessed be He commanded them and informed us about them through Moshe our teacher, that the children of Noah were commanded to obey them. But if he did them because of his own philosophical conclusions, he is not a "Righteous Gentile" and is not from the righteous of the nations nor from their wise ones
Please be aware that most of the time I have no idea what I'm talking about, so please follow the links and read the original articles.
*"Extremism is the perfection of the topic. One who waves the banner of moderation and hates extremism, is in the same camp as liars or imbeciles..."
The Chazon Ish